What is Mighty Quest

Mighty Quest is a speech based role-playing game system, tailored for kids so they can easily grasp the rules and actively contribute to the game. 

Players assume the role of mighty heroes and with the leadership of their older siblings or parents they go on epic adventures and solve tricky quests. The leaders describe the situations, lead the game, and play on the side of the monsters. The players go through the game, make decisions, and ultimately resolve the challenges and save the day.

The game system has basic rules described in these foundations, enhanced by additional advanced rules which parents can introduce later once the kids are familiar with the basics.

How to play the game?

Role-playing games are played through speech, and with some visual help like printed out hero cards, monster cards, and items.

The role of the leader is to introduce the situation, and then players discuss what to do in this situation.

Leader — As you are walking down the forest path, suddenly a hooded bandit jumps in front of you. He doesn't seem to be saying anything, but you can feel there's something strange about him.

Player — Hm ... I cautiously step back, and ask him for his name.

— With a brig grunt, the cloaked bandit jumps at you with his sword drawn! Let's begin the combat.

The simple rules can be summarised like this: when an event happens players roll a classic 6-sided dice 🎲 and add to the number they get one of their characteristics. The resulting number has to be equal to or more than some target set by the game leader.

For example, if players are facing a large boulder that has to be pushed to clear the path, the leader gives the players a target of 6 to beat. The player with greater strength (usually Knight) rolls the dice, and gets a 4. To this 4 the player adds his strength 💪2, which results in a total of 6 meaning the target was reached, and the strong knight manages to roll away the big boulder.

The rules get a bit more complicated, but those are the essentials. A dice roll, plus some modifier, has to beat a certain target. As you read through these pages, you'll easily figure it out.


Running on rails

The players are free to make their own choices and decide where to go, however, in the interest of simplicity and game progression, the leader should encourage and guide players to go in a linear fashion from one scene to the next.

Within one scene players are encouraged to explore, poke around, ask questions, discover hidden nooks, and interact with other characters. But then players should be nudged to make their progress onto the next scene, and no go wondering around in a random direction.


Where to get the quests

Mighty Quest website has a number of quests for you to run.

The simplest and easiest The Cave of the Skeleton King is nicely tailored as a starting adventure, and it will make it clear what is meant by "running on rails". It can be played by kids who can't fully read yet, however, they need to recognise numbers and be able to do simple math like adding small numbers.

A bit more complex adventure is The Tyranny of Titania which requires comprehension of advanced rules will be available soon.

More quests will be added to the Mighty Quest with time, but the general idea of any role-playing game system is that parents come up with their own quests, and they use the mechanics of the system to run it.

Do I need to purchase anything?

No. Although this is a shop, and there are products you can purchase, the entire system, all of the rules, and all of the items and monsters are created and displayed on the pages of this website. You can use any of the material you find here for free.

However, the shop is here if you want to elevate your adventuring experience and download printable sheets with high quality images. These will greatly enhance the experience for all of the players as they will provide hard tangible artefacts that can be placed on the floor or desk. It's better for the players if they can see the Skeleton that's bashing them!

Should you purchase some of the printable sheets, it's advisable to laminate them as well to create a solid card that can last for many adventures.

    the players

    Mighty heroes

    Meet the heroes of Mighty Quest, learn about their powers and special abilities


    The friendlies

    Lovely Companions

    Not all creatures are evil. Some are out there to help you on your adventures!

    Meet your friends

    The loot

    Magical items

    A little magical help goes a long way!

    See shiny stuff