Monsters - Healing Powers

From the helpful Doctor to the ugly Putrid Swarm these monsters are adept at the art of healing, each in their own way.


Ogre Doctor

🗡️1  🛡️5  ❤️3

Tasty Brew — attack or heal 1❤️ to a monster


🗡️3  🛡️7  ❤️5

Life Drain — on hit heal 1❤️ to itself

Bridge Troll 

🗡️2  🛡️5  ❤️5

Regenerate if at ❤️3 or less, heal
 1❤️ to itself at the end of turn

Putrid Swarm 

🗡️0  🛡️4  ❤️6

Sickness — prevents all characters from healing



Bridge Troll automatically heals at the end of his turn, but only if he is already wounded. If he's at ❤️3 he will heal to  ❤️4, but won't self-heal more than that. Hard to kill and requires team effort to take down.

Putrid Swarm affects everyone, including the bad guys.