The Cave of the Skeleton King

This is a sample adventure which you can run with your kids in order to see how the adventures work. It's advised that the leaders first read through this adventure so that you are prepared in advance, and then you run it with the players.

The texts written in italics is not meant to be read out loud, and it serves just as a hint for the leader of the adventure.



Part 1: The Darkwood Town 

You begin the adventure in the tavern of Darkwood town.

Darkwood isn't your typical bustling town. Fog hangs heavy in the air, a mix of woodsmoke and a deeper, unsettling dampness. Weathered wooden buildings huddle close together, their paint peeling and windows boarded shut.

The once-lively square now lies deserted, save for a few ragged figures huddled by a sputtering well. The “Crow's Nest” tavern, its once-proud sign now hanging crookedly, is your only beacon of light and (potentially) warmth. Inside, flickering torches cast long, dancing shadows on the rough-hewn walls. Travelers huddle around tables, their faces etched with worry and whispers of the Skeleton King's menace. A bard strums a mournful tune about a once-prosperous land now choked by fear.

Whispers fill the tavern of a nearby threat — the Skeleton King — said to reside in a hidden cave, unleashing his undead minions upon the land. The local elder, sitting at the bar, offers a hefty reward for any brave soul who can vanquish the king and bring peace back to the region.

Heroes should speak with the elder, and accept his quest. 

Upon accepting the quest, elder tells you about Old Man Wilford, a seasoned hunter who claims to have seen glimpses of the cave entrance.

Wilford is also in the tavern, drinking his ale in the corner.

Wilford, frail and weary, reveals the cave is hidden deep within the Whispering Woods somewhere near the waterfall. The Woods is a place shrouded in mist and guarded by creatures loyal to the Skeleton King. He warns of Goblins and Orcs patrolling the woods and suggests following an ancient trail marked by weathered stones.

Heroes should ask Wilford some questions, have a conversation.

Wilford turns back to his drink, but before he does so, he offers you a magical ring, hoping it will help you at least a little bit.

Items gained: Ring of Health

 Before leaving the town, heroes should stock up on some supplies. The leader should direct them to the shop, where they can buy an Apple and Sandwich each.


Part 2: Whispering Woods

You venture into the mist-filled woods, navigating through dense foliage and following the trail marked by weathered stones.

⚔️ Encounter: A scouting party ambushes the heroes — 3× Goblin, 2× Orc

After the battle, heroes can search Goblins and Orcs and find a Health Potion.

Continuing on your way, you stumble upon an abandoned campsite, remnants of a previous attempt to find the cave. 1 Orc Warboss and 3 Orc Hunters are still at this campsite, talking in Orcish language.


You can:

  • Sneak closer to hear what they are saying, with an Agility check at 5+ (it’s OK if only one hero sneaks closer). If failed, the monsters will hear you and attack you.
  • Once at least one hero is closer, a Smarts check of 5+ reveals what they are saying. Failed attempt means you cannot decipher what the Orcs are saying.

If the Smarts check is passed, heroes learn that there’s a secret passage behind the nearby waterfall that leads deep into the cave.

You can also sneak to avoid the fight if you wish to do so, but this requires two consecutive Agility checks by all heroes. First check is at 4+, second is at 5+. Failure means you are heard, and attacked.

Of course, you can always decide to just rush in and attack them.

⚔️ Encounter: 1× Orc Warboss and 3× Orc Hunters

After the battle, heroes can search for items and receive the Ring of Strength.


Part 3: The Hidden Waterfall

You follow a stream deeper into the woods, the sound of rushing water growing louder. You arrive at a cliff where water is cascading down. Here you need to descend the cliff. This requires an Agility check at 4+. Failure means the hero falls down and receives one wound.

If they know about the secret entrance, they can go straight in.

If they don’t yet know about the entrance, they’ll have to figure it out. A Smarts check of 5+ reveals something behind the waterfall. If they are absolutely clueless and forgot what the Old Man Wilford said try nudging them towards the waterfall.



Part 4: The Cave of the Skeleton King

The cave entrance leads to a network of dark tunnels. You must navigate through these tunnels, avoiding stalactites and navigating narrow passages.

⚔️ Encounter: A group of 3× skeletons rise from the darkness, attacking you.

Unfortunately, Skeletons have no items. They are just bones anyway.


Part 5: The Sunken Temple

Venturing deeper into the cave system, you find a vast cavern with a large underground lake. The air is cool, and the sound of dripping water echoes. The lake's surface reflects the glow of stalactites, creating an eerie shimmer.

At the far end of the lake, you see the silhouette of a partially submerged temple. Covered in algae and vines, the temple emits an otherworldly glow. A couple of old statues of warriors guard the entrance. The entrance, framed by carved arches depicting ancient battles, beckons you with a sense of both dread and curiosity.

Heroes should attempt to dive into the lake and venture into the temple.

To reach the temple, you must dive into the lake and swim through the murky, cold water. Luminescent algae guide your way to the temple entrance. Inside, the water is eerily still and the air thick with ancient magic.

The main chamber features a large stone altar with an ornate chest. The walls are lined with skeletal statues, and faded mosaics cover the floor.

Heroes should search the area.

Beneath the altar, you find a hidden compartment containing the Skeleton Key.

Keep in mind that Skeleton Key gives -1 💪 to whoever is holding it.


Part 6: The Skeleton King's Throne Room 

Continuing through the cave system, you enter a vast chamber. The air is thick with the stench of decay, and the walls are lined with bones. At the far end of the chamber, on a raised platform, sits the Skeleton King. His throne is carved from obsidian and adorned with ancient carvings. The Skeleton King himself is a towering figure, clad in tattered robes that once spoke of regality. His eyes burn with an eerie red light, and in his bony hand, he clutches a wicked, rune-etched blade. Piles of gold and trinkets lie at the foot of the throne, casting a sickly glint in the dim light. The King remains motionless, seemingly asleep, but his presence fills the room with a palpable sense of dread.

Give heroes some time to prepare for combat if necessary.

The Skeleton King wakes up, and is enraged by the intrusion! He challenges you to a duel as his buddies emerge from the darkness!

⚔️ Encounter: 2× Orcs, 2× Skeletons, Skeleton King

Hopefully the battle was won!

Despite the king's undead resilience, your strength and determination prevail. However, the remains of the King still seem to twitch and his eyes still have a bit of red glow.


Part 7: Sealing the Cave

Heroes have to figure out that Skeleton Key can be placed at the throne to seal the cave.

As you place the Skeleton Key on the ruins of the Skeleton King's throne, a surge of ancient magic pulses through the chamber. The Skeleton King, who moments ago was a formidable adversary, begins to convulse violently. His glowing red eyes widen in a silent scream as cracks appear across his skeletal frame, emitting a blinding white light.

The dark energy that once animated him is violently expelled, causing his bones to splinter and disintegrate. Piece by piece, his body crumbles, the powerful aura dissipating into nothingness. The obsidian throne and surrounding treasures are engulfed in a swirling vortex of dust and light, as if time itself is reclaiming its due.

Finally, with a deafening roar, the Skeleton King's form is reduced to a mere pile of fine dust, the remnants of his dark reign scattered to the winds. The cavern trembles, and the oppressive darkness lifts, replaced by an eerie, tranquil silence. The Skeleton King is no more, his essence dissolved and his power extinguished forever.


With the Skeleton King defeated, the cave begins to tremble, and you must escape before it collapses.

You will have to roll a series of Agility checks, at 4+, 5+, 6+, for each hero to dodge the falling stones. Failure results in 1 damage taken by the hero who failed.

Hopefully, this won’t kill the heroes and bury them with the Skeleton King, and they escape out. If you see the heroes getting too low on health, perhaps skip the third agility check. Don’t kill them now! 



Upon returning to Darkwood, you are greeted as true heroes. The once-desolate town now bustles with newfound hope. Villagers cheer and gather around, their faces bright with gratitude. The local elder steps forward, his eyes shining with admiration. “You have done what many thought impossible,” he says, presenting you with a magnificent chest. Inside, you find golden coins and various pieces of treasure.


The fog that once choked Darkwood begins to lift, and the sun breaks through the clouds, signaling a new dawn for the town. Peace and prosperity are restored, all thanks to your courage and resolve. The legend of your deeds will be told for generations to come, inspiring future adventurers to rise against the darkness.



The End!