Monsters - Negative Aura

These beasts are causing nasty things around them just by being here! They don't even have to put in some effort to be nasty, the nastiness just seeps out of them.


Gelatinous Cube

🗡️2  🛡️4  ❤️5

Corrosion — all heroes have -1🛡️

Rust Monster

🗡️2  🛡️6  ❤️3

Rust — all heroes have -1 🗡️

Night Terror

🗡️2  🛡️7  ❤️4

Terror — all heroes have -1 💪✋🧠

Wraith of Despair

🗡️2  🛡️6  ❤️3

Despair — reduces the effectiveness of all hero healing by 1



Rust monster just reduces attack rolls by 1, not the actual main characteristic of a Hero.

Wrath of Despair can reduce healing effectiveness to 0. Eating an Apple while Wraith is in combat basically does nothing.