
Heroes get sliced, diced, burned, crushed, and poisoned. It happens, that’s the nature of adventures! But, they also get back on their feet and keep on adventuring.


Healing during combat

There’s plenty of consumables available for heroes to munch on during combat to help them regain lost ❤️. In order to keep the game simple, and to keep the things flowing, heroes can always eat or drink any healing as a free action. They just quaff down that Healing Potion, and regain 3❤️. Also, heroes can toss items from one to another. It all speeds up the gameplay and removes unnecessary bureaucracy of who has which item.

If leaders want to make things a bit harder, then heroes should not be able to eat food items during combat. It is a bit hard to chew down a sandwich while dragon is trying to bite your left arm.

There are various modifiers to healing, but all of that is explained on the cards. For example, there are monsters which simply prevent, or reduce, the effectiveness of healing. Evil monsters, should be disposed off quickly! 



Healing outside of combat

Heroes keep their 💔 on them after combat. Cuts don’t heal magically just because the combat is over. Therefore, heroes should be able to heal somehow outside of combat as well. They can, of course, use their consumables, but it’s much better if game leader comes up with various other story elements which enable heroes to fix their wounds. Perhaps there’s a magical hot springs with healing waters, which heals one (or more) hearts. Perhaps a magical faery creature appears and heals the heroes. Or heroes simply find a nearby town, find a doctor, and somehow barter their services.

The options are unlimited, and that’s the beauty of role playing games. Keep in mind not to overheal the heroes, there has to be some sense of danger present. Bashing heroes too much is not good, but neither is pampering them with lots of potions of healing and medical support.