Magical Items

Ah, magical items — every player loves them! These items are always active and are modifying some statistic of the hero wearing them, or providing some sort of a benefit.

The items

Ring of Health
+1 ️️️️️️️❤️
Ancient Brooch
+1 🧠
Ring of Power
+1 💪✋🧠


Ring of Strength
+1 ️️️️️️️💪
Elven Gloves
Bottled Light
  Skeleton Key
-1 💪


Emerald Necklace
Immunity to 🧪
Fang Necklace
When hit, attacking monster gets 1 🧪
 Dagger of Venom
On hit target gets 1 🧪


Magical items should not be handed out to players easily as they permanently change the hero's power level.

Heroes can trade items. It's up to the leader to decide can players trade items in combat or not. For example, perhaps one of the heroes is about to die and other hero could throw them a Ring of Health so they have at least 1❤️ left. In role-playing games situations like that will happen, and it takes a bit of nice improvisation and storytelling to navigate these situations.

Heroes can have more than one of the same item.

Emerald Necklace gives immunity to venom, however, it will not clear out existing venom already on the hero. In essence, you cannot quickly pass around one Emerald Necklace and just clear all of the heroes, that would be silly.

Bottled Light is a nice role-playing item that players can find good creative use for. It emits light, hence the name, so it can be used to light up dark passages. Also, players should figure out that it can be used to chase away Ghost of Everbloom monster that's immune to weapons. It does require a bit of thinking for the players to attempt that, but that's where the magic of role-playing games is.

Dagger of Venom works on ranged heroes as well, because, well, it's magical.