
Ah, snakes, venomous dragons, and toxic plants. Who doesn’t like those!


Some evil monsters are venomous as their special ability. A successful hit from them always injects venom into the hero, without any possibility to use a feat to avoid it. There are monsters who simply give the gifts of venom to heroes as the combat starts, again, without any possibility to avoid it.

Characters affected by Venom have all of their 🎲 rolls reduced by 1. This includes attack rolls, feat rolls, saving rolls to avoid getting stunned, rooted, or feared, and so on. These characters are very sick, they have blurred vision, and simply aren't as effective as they would normally be.

Venom isn't cumulative, so having more venom tokens on a character doesn't further reduce the rolls. It's a reduction of 1 always.

At the end of character's turn (be it hero or monster), one of the venom tokens is cleared from that character.

Heroes can drink Antidote potion any time they wish to do so.