Etherial Creatures

Etherial monsters provide unique challenge for the heroes as they require some thinking on how to defeat them. Heroes can’t just whack them with a sword, rather, they have to think a little bit. 


As an example, Ghost of Everbloom is a monster found in “The Tyranny of Titania” adventure, and it can be defeated with Bottled Light item. The light is thrown into the Ghost, or the bottle is opened and the fireflies escape, or something along those lines. But this requires for the heroes to figure out how to obtain the Bottled Item to begin with, and then to figure out they can defeat the Ghost using it.

However, it doesn’t have to be precisely that. If the heroes try to figure something out, and the plan seems plausible enough, let them score a win. Perhaps they can come up with a plan that involves shining some light onto the Ghost using mirrors, or something else crazy. Creativity should be rewarded.

Ghost of Everbloom

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Etherial — cannot be harmed with regular weapons