Common Monsters

Common monsters form the bulk of the evil army that the heroes face. They do not have any special abilities, but they do come in large numbers! 



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The simplest of all monsters. Rude, loud, and armed! Heroes should have no trouble disposing even larger numbers of Goblins.


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Big, green, and mean! Watch out for his large swinging axe.


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Animated bones of once great warriors. Skeletons are rough & tough. Big on calcium, short on manners.


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Hates crows more than anything. Spends his days yelling at them.


Orc Hunter 

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This Orc clan developed some actual skills, not just the skill of swinging an axe.

Corrupted Pixie 

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Touched by evil, once beautiful, now not so much. Spreads chaos with glitter bombs and a potty mouth.

Twig Blight 

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Nothing worse than evil walking forest!

Venom, Stun Charm

Need more challenges for mighty heroes?

More teeth & more claws