Summoning Monsters

Some monsters are not evil enough, so they summon even more monsters to fight side by side with them! Isn’t that delightful!

Summoned monsters can act on the turn they are summoned, of course, provided it’s actually monster’s turn (meaning a severed Hydra’s head appears on hero’s turn, but can attack when it is actually monster’s turn).

Note that leader has to play summon abilities with some care as to not overwhelm the heroes. It’s perfectly possible for Willow Prince (one of the powerful Bosses) to just keep summoning Treants on his every turn, but that would soon become an unstoppable force which heroes could not deal with. Therefore, the Prince could sometimes simply forego summoning and just try to hit the heroes. This mechanism means that leaders can balance the difficulty of an encounter, and if it seems the heroes have it too easy, well, summon more monsters! If the leader sees heroes are struggling, perhaps cool it down with the summons.

Willow Prince

🗡️1  🛡️7  ❤️7

Summon — attack or summon Twig Blight or Treant