
Oh, you thought your items are yours forever? Guess again!

Some monsters, like the infamous Thieving Pixie steal Hero's items, usually at the start of combat. Leader assigns a number to each Hero item and rolls the dice.

The stolen item could even be effective and provide some bonus for the monster who stole it. Bonus attack items, or +❤️ items could improve the stats of the monster.

Of course, when the monster is killed, the item is returned back to the Hero. However, this does mean that if heroes decide to escape combat, the item could be lost forever.

There's lots of creativity that Leaders could employ here. Perhaps the stolen item can be traded between monsters, a Thieving Pixie could decide to give his loot to his Boss! Or perhaps the monster who stole the item will remain in combat for a few turns and then decide to escape! It's up to the Leaders to determine which mischievous event happens.